
Build Status codecov License: MIT

Shieldon, a PHP library that provides anti-scraping and online session control for your web application. As if you are using a shield on your web applicaion to fight against bad-behavior bots, crawlers or vulnerability scanning and so on.


Use PHP Composer:

composer require shieldon/shieldon ^1

Or, download it and include the Shieldon autoloader.

require 'Shieldon/autoload.php';



Temporarily Ban a User

When the users or robots are trying to view many your web pages in a short period of time, they will temporarily get banned. Get unbanned by solving a Catpcha.

Firewall Dialog 1

Permanently Ban a User

When a user has been permanently banned.

Firewall Dialog 2

Online Session Control

Firewall Dialog 3

When a user has reached the online session limit.




Shieldon library is brought to you by Terry L. from Taiwan.

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