
You can adjust the setting when initializing Shieldon instance, or using setProperty or setProperties API later.


$config = [
    'time_unit_quota' => [
        ['s' => 2, 'm' => 10, 'h' => 30, 'd' => 60]

$shieldon = new \Shieldon\Shieldon($config);


$shieldon->setProperty('time_unit_quota', [
    's' => 2, 'm' => 10, 'h' => 30, 'd' => 60


$config = [
    'time_unit_quota' => [
        ['s' => 2, 'm' => 10, 'h' => 30, 'd' => 60]



key type value
time_unit_quota array ['s' => 2, 'm' => 10, 'h' => 30, 'd' => 60]
time_reset_limit integer 3600
interval_check_referer integer 5
interval_check_session integer 30
limit_unusual_behavior array ['cookie' => 5, 'session' => 5, 'referer' => 10]
cookie_name string ssjd
cookie_domain string "


Setting the limits and quotas for your vistors on your website.

You may check out your Google Analytics to find out how many page views per user is normal condition, then think about what is considered to bad behavior on your website.

  • array
key value description
s integer Page views per vistor per second
m integer Page views per vistor per minute
h integer Page views per vistor per hour
d integer Page views per vistor per day


  • If you just want to limit an user to view 100 pages a day, just set s, m, h to a very high number, and set d to 100.

  • To remember, when users reached the limit will just be banned temporaily, they can get unbanned by solving Captcha, so, do not set the values too loose, overwise it is no sense to use this library.


Reset the filiters flagged number after how many seconds that time_reset_limit is set.


When an user first time visit to your website by entering URL on browser, the HTTP_REFERER is empty. After interval_check_referer seconds, Shieldon will start checking HTTP_REFERER.

You can ignore this value.


When an user first time visit to your website, after interval_check_session seconds, Shieldon will start checking SESSION cookie.


Setting the limits and quotas of being flagged as unusual behavior for your vistors on your website.

  • array
key value description
cookie integer Cookie generated by JavaScript.
session integer PHP Session
referer integer HTTP_REFERER


Please ignore them.

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