
Slim framework is one of my favorites. Since Slim is a mirco framework, implementing Shieldon Firewall is easy as well. Without further ado, let's get started.

Firewall in Slim Framework


Use PHP Composer:

composer require shieldon/shieldon

Or, download it and include the Shieldon autoloader.

require 'Shieldon/autoload.php';


Slim 3


Shieldon supports most popular PHP frameworks, following its design pattern, Slim is one of them, so that there is a Middleware for Slim 3 already.

$app->add(new \Shieldon\Integration\Slim\Slim3Middleware);

Reminer: If you have Slim-Csrf middleware implemented, make sure the order should look like this:

$app->add(new \Shieldon\Integration\Slim\Slim3Middleware);
$app->add(new \Slim\Csrf\Guard);

Notice: Slim-Csrf is no longer support Slim 3, if you would like to use it on Slim 3, be sure to install the older vision.

composer require slim/csrf:0.8.3


This route is the entry of Firewall Panel.

$app->map(['GET', 'POST'], '/example/fiewall/panel', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) {
    $firewall = \Shieldon\Container::get('firewall');
    $controlPanel = new \Shieldon\FirewallPanel($firewall);
        'csrf_name' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_name'),
        'csrf_value' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_value')

Slim 4


Load Slim4Middleware at the first place.

$app->add(new \Shieldon\Integration\Slim\Slim4Middleware());

So, your middleware.php probably looks like this:

return function (App $app) {
    $app->add(new \Shieldon\Integration\Slim\Slim4Middleware());


This route is the entry of Firewall Panel.

$app->map(['GET', 'POST'], '/example/fiewall/panel', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) {
    $firewall = \Shieldon\Container::get('firewall');
    $controlPanel = new \Shieldon\FirewallPanel($firewall);
        'csrf_name' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_name'),
        'csrf_value' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_value')

    return $response;

Make sure to change all your routes to support Post method for making Captcha form worked, otherwise you will face this error.

    statusCode: 405,
    error: {
        type: "NOT_ALLOWED",
        description: "Method not allowed."


There is an another way to avoid changing support method. It is Bootstrapper located at Shieldon\Integration namespace.

In the public/index.php, find this line:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

Replace it with:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// Implement Shieldon Firewall.
new \Shieldon\Integration\Bootstrapper();

That's it.


To prevent session_start conflicts, please start session safely in your SessionMiddleware

if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) {

That's it.

You can access the Firewall Panel by /example/fiewall/panel, to see the page, go to this URL in your browser.

The default login is shieldon_user and password is shieldon_pass. After logging in the Firewall Panel, the first thing you need to do is to change the login and password.

Shieldon Firewall will start watching your website if it get enabled in Deamon setting section, make sure you have set up the settings correctly.

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